Border layout

Also known as

Grid, Side panel, Header, Main

BorderLayout manages the top-level layout of your application, website, or widget. It defines five distinct regions, with four surrounding a main content region. You can use them for elements such as a footer, header or side navigation. BorderLayout builds on top of GridLayout, and it's best to use it for entire website pages or application screens, where there's at least one additional region alongside the main area.

Note: This tab list includes overflow; tab positions may be inaccurate or change when a tab is selected
  • To manage the top-level layout of your application, or page, with at least one additional region alongside the main content area (e.g., for navigation or a footer).
  • When you're not managing the top-level layout of your application, but the layout inside one of the five border layout regions.
  • For a customized layout that you can control in both row and column dimensions (for example, a dashboard). Instead, use GridLayout.
  • For a side panel that temporarily reveals relevant content. Instead, use Drawer.

To import BorderLayout and BorderItem from the core Salt package, use:
